Thursday, September 2, 2010

A rabbit, a sheep, and a gummy bear

(diagram a: profile of Gummy Bear's left side. right segment = head, left segment = body, two dots at end of body = feet.)

We had our first ultrasound today! I am 10 weeks along. In the beginning baby was moving around so much that the doctor had trouble getting a clear picture. Tony was able to see how active a baby can be. Fortunately, at this point, I can't feel it. The baby is using me as a bounce house. But when the doctor turned the monitor towards me the baby fell asleep and wouldn't budge from it's warm sleeping bag. (I have that affect on people;) The doctor said that the baby's heart rate is great, all the limbs are formed, and the baby is growing well. The nurse came in and asked to see the pictures and said, "what a cute gummy bear!"

We are so grateful for the technology that allows us to see our little one develop. We are so blessed and humbled by the love and trust our Heavenly Father has for us. We are excited to announce the expansion of the Montecino Family!


  1. That IS a cute little gummy bear. So cute that I want to eat it! That sounds so bad. But you know what I mean!

  2. it took mom's trained eye to help me see the little person, but see it we did! this is so exciting! keep posting updates... i love to blog stalk!!!

    by the way, you better make this private fast before people catch on to your rabbit and sheep code names!
